Starting in December 2020, I made contact with the Municipal Police through Brother Jose Luis Torres, and since then we have been preaching about twice a week to those deprived of liberty. They have listened attentively, and many have confessed the name of the Lord, making us see first-hand, the birth of a Church behind bars! In light of this, we began a discipleship plan for all believers, where we currently teach them basic principles from God’s Word.

It is wonderful to see the change that the Lord is working on them. Without a doubt, the Lord can change the heart of the most cruel and bloodthirsty murderer! But that is not all, but in view of the mandate of our Lord Jesus Christ. we sooke to the police authorities and made the request to be able to baotize our brothers in Christ… and this request was accepted. So on February 26, 22 believers were baptized

As a Pastor, I never imagined that moment, but believe me that it has been an enormous blessing for my life, to be able to know, to lead them to the Lord, to baptize them and continue reeding them with the Word of God. I can still remember. seeing their bodies marked by sin. One of them, upon leaving the baptismal waters, broke in front of everyone and crying told me: «I want to know God more», another asked me to testify to his family and those wishes are only born on hearts that have been redeemed and they are thirsty for God… thus, this is how a Church behind bars is born. Glory to the Lord our God!




Puerto Cabello is a city in our state located one (01) hour from our Church. It is located on the coast of the Caribbean Sea and for a long time, as a Pastor, I have had a burden for that place. Last year, we planned to go on exploratory trips and start Bible studies in the area, however that was not posible. Later, we suffered the increase in the cost of gasoline and excuses were added for not advancina in that orolect. But as praved at the beainning or this year, I understood that always will be obstacles to doing the work, but that we have a GREAT GOD who helps and supplies us. It was, based on that trust, that we made the exploratory trip on March
01.  and since then we started a Bible study that we attend on Fridays and Saturdays.

Prayer’s request.