The Savior Christian School has been an enormous blessing for our Church, and for the community where we serve. Every day the children have a devotional time, biblical activities and are taught using the Venezuelan student curriculum. I can see, in my own children, the benefits of this ministry.
However, the Venezuelan Department of Education did not give us permission to open last year, until two days before the beginning of the school year. They were supposed to inform us two or three months in advance, but we received the opening permission practically at the beginning of the school period, which put us in front of two options: open the school or let that opportunity pass, so by faith, we decided to start.
I must say that making that decision was wonderful, because we had finally realized the project that we prayed for so many years, but at the same time, we knew that we would NOT have enough time to register the number of children required to support the institution.
Currently, we have a deficit of more than four hundred ($400) US dollars per month, that is, what we receive as payments from representatives, is an amount lower than the monthly expenses. We thank God for the group of brothers who work without receiving anything in return. I must say that the Lord is good, and to this day He has provided enough to cover that deficit. We give glory to God for it.
If you wish to support this ministry, please contact us: klixoncast_1@hotmail.com or donate through:

Karen Garcia
* If you are willing to suport us in some way, please informo us, so we can know were your suport is going